Monday, February 14, 2011

Sound in the Night

I heard it again last night.

Something so wonderful that I can’t complain…even though it wakes me up in the night,
often from a sound sleep.

Something I hope I never take for granted or become so accustomed to
 that I only hear it as noise in the background.

Something that makes my world complete and my heart whole.

Something that speaks to safety and well-being.

Something that I longed for most of my life and hope to bask in for the rest of my life.

I heard the voice of my Rocket Man.  He brushed the hair from my face as I lay sleeping.
He tenderly kissed my cheek and offered a prayer, whispering, “God Bless and Keep my Molli”

It happens most nights.

Sometimes I am so deep in sleep that I’m not sure if I heard it or not.
But last night, I know I did, because I wasn’t asleep. I was laying quietly,
listening to the ticking of the clock and the gentle sound of his breathing.

We have a crazy day today. We spent the weekend out of town with our grandchildren, so usual weekend chores went undone. They will remain undone for at least a week, due to the craziness today.

I suggested that we not make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day this year. Because, really…when I hear, “God Bless and Keep my Molli” almost every night of the year…I know that I am loved. I don’t need a card with a heart, flowers, chocolates or dinner.

In some small way, each day that I live with the Amazing Rocket Man…it is always Valentine’s Day.

Ed and Mollianne got married and are living happily ever after


Annie Joy said...

This is truly touching, dear friend. I'm sure it's because he can see what's obvious -- all the good and beautiful in you. Hope you both have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Mollianne Massey said...

Very kind words, Annie. We had an atypical Valentine's Day, but a good one. Thank you.