Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Sexiest Man Alive

I heard today that a popular magazine had named some celebrity The Sexiest Man Alive, as they do every year.  I had never, ever heard of this man.  I wouldn't know him if he walked into my office and handed me a dozen roses.

What does this say about me?  Obviously, I am not up on my pop culture, celebrity knowledge or who's who.  I think it could mean that I have squarely planted both feet in middle age.  I'm at that place where we used to say, 'if the music is too loud, you are too old.' 
Yep.  That's me.

I decided to pay tribute to my own selection of
The Sexiest Man Alive
MolliWorld style. 
And this year's
{and every year's}
 man is....
{drum roll, please}
...the amazing
Rocket Man

For myriad reasons...

...that winning smile...

...the look that accompanied the threat to disable the camera
on my phone if I took one more picture...only he didn't :)
...he bought me the camera, even though he doesn't like
having his picture taken...

...but was willing to ham for me when I'd had a full day of unpleasant
medical tests and was near tears....

...the man who displays patience with so many things...including launch delays...

...and this...THIS...sitting with me through thousands of miligrams of
solumedrol infusion, offering a smile, always watching over me...

...the way he loves our grandsons,
 not his by DNA, but his in love
and nurture...

...his varied interests, including old pocket and wrist watches...

...and Muscle Cars {he's inside the front of a
'65 Mustang that he is restoring}...

...who doesn't shave on vacation because he knows
I like the fuzzy look...

...the man of my dreams...

...who laughs with me and shares a thousand secrets...

...who genuinely loves spending time with my parents...

...who prays...

...who holds me...

...and lets me hold him...

...this man who said, 'I do' and he meant it...

...a man with deep faith, even though he doesn't always  express it in the same
ways as I express mine...

...this man, this Rocket Man who rocked my world...

...and after over a dozen years, still looks sat me with love...

This is the sexiest man alive!


Friday, November 11, 2011


A grateful thanks today, given with humble heart at the
sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces 

Today, I honor my family members who have served
To my Sweet Daddy, Bobbie Buster, who served in the Korean Conflict.
To my ex husband, Ken McFetridge who served in the Air Force over a span of 2 decades both on active duty and in the Air National Guard. Ken supported the no-fly zone over Bosnia as well as serving in dangerous durg interdiction in the continuing war against drugs. 
 To my son, J McFetridge, who served during the War in Iraq and is now a disabled vet. 
My brother, Terry Buster who served during Viet Nam. 
My brother, Rob Buster who saw action in Macedonia and who served as career soldier. 
To my former father-in-law, Jim Lambirth, who served in the Marine Corps during Korea. 
To my former father-in-law, H.D. McFetridge, who also served during Korea.

To my grandfather, Malcolm Younger, who served as a Chaplain in WWII.
To my cousin, Mike Spencer, who served in the USAF.
To my nephew, Sherman Buster, who also served during Iraq and lives with a disability.
My great-uncles, Bob and Gene Austin, who served in the Navy during WWII. 
To thier brother, my great-uncle, Charles Austin
who served in WWII and who served as a career sailor. 
To my,other great uncles; 
Uncle Dude, Uncle Ralph and Uncle Frank Younger
 all who served in WWI. 

To Rocket Man's grandfathers,
Robert L.Osteen and Ed Massey, Jr.
who served in WWII.
To his uncle, Jerry Massey, who served during Korea. 
To Annie Massey who served in the Navy. 

To all of these, my family members,
I am grateful for your service. 

Many are no longer with us,
but to those who are...a heartfelt thanks. 

From the bottom of my heart

Thank you for serving.
Thank you for leaving such an amazing legacy. 

It is my prayer that when the time comes,
The Boys Fantastic
will look back at your example
and be willing to serve
if our country needs their service.

To my many friends who have served,
thank you, as well.

It is a day to remember.
A day to be grateful.
And I am.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some things just don't jive

I'm finding myself in a funky mood today.Out of sorts with so many things. Nothing seem to jive.  You know this feeling?

I could give you a million reasons excuses, explanations. I won't bore you with them. Perhaps I ought to just go in a closet and stay until I'm all better. Not really a viable option.  Besides, our closet space in Camelot is not sufficient for all the things stuffed into the closets and me, too. 

This morning I read (and cried through) several blog posts from Compassion International.  You see, there is a group of bloggers on a trip to Ecuador and they are writing about the poverty there.  The pictures of the children are heart wrenching.  In a way I didn't expect.  They have such hope in their eyes.   And it takes so little from our abundance to help them.  Compassion is doing such good work for the Kingdom, but there are so many children who are waiting to be sponsored.  And those pictures tug at my heart.

That made me think about the child we sponsor in Kenya.  Our Grace who is 7 years old.  We received a letter from her yesterday and I was undone.  She thanked us for loving her.  For praying for her.  Asked that we pray she will do well in school and assured me that she is listening to her teachers.  She wants to be an accountant when she grows up.  Then she said she prays for us every day.  Imagine, a child named Grace in a village in Kenya praying for us. 

Then, I clicked on the news to see what was happening in the world.  And I saw one story marked urgent.  And it was a piece about whether or not a football coach at a university should resign now or retire at the end of the season. 

Seriously?  With children dying by the thousands daily around the world of diseases that are often preventable?  And this is the news piece marked URGENT!

I have a soundtrack which plays in my head. {You do that, too, don't you? Have a soundtrack and if you listen to it, you can figure out what sort of a mood you are in? Please don't tell me I'm the only one} After reading the blog posts and the news, I realized that my soundtrack was spinning away.  I was hearing a song from the 1960s, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel. 7:00 O'Clock News/ Silent Night.  It fits my mood today.

Do you know this piece?  I've linked it below.  Seems like it sort of fits the world today.  Protests, demonstrations, the world turned upside down...yet people going to help and live for a week among the poorest of the poor.  Bringing hope and stretching our ideas of love.

I pray that I never grow too content, too settled, too wrapped up in my own world that I fail to see what really matters. And I pray that these funky, unsettled moods prod me on to be open to giving to those in need. Whether it is a precious child in Kenya whose family needs our support just to exist, or a wealthy man who is in need of a smile. Everyone we meet has great and deep needs.  I pray that my notions of love never become rigid and unable to be stretched. 

I pray for grace.  And for Grace.  That, my friends...that jives!
