Friday, April 8, 2011

If I Met You {5 minute Friday}

The challenge is to write for 5 minutes.  The prompt is:  If I met you


If I met you today, that means you would have walked into my office at the Church House.  You probably are here to meet with one of the Pastors and possibly are in some sort of crisis.

You would see sitting behind my desk a middle aged woman who is having a bad hair day.  You would be met with a smile and a friendly, "May I help you?"  I would try very hard to put you at ease and and offer you a drink of water and perhaps engage in some sort of small talk about the weather...just to try to pass the minutes until you were able to see the person you were here for.

I hope that if you met me in that way, you would see not only the woman who sits behind this desk, but that you would also see a likeness of Christ.  I believe that everyone who walks into this office is in need of something.  Some come seeking money to pay their rent or light bill.  Some need food.  Others are desperate for gas money to get someplace else.  Some need money for medication.  Some just need comfort.  All need Christ. 

I pray daily that God will put someone in my pathway who has need of Him in a way that I can provide.  There are days when I feel that I am the last hope for people who come in off of the street and I serve as his hands and feet.  Other days, I recognize my co-workers and church members as the people who have the greatest need of His love. 


I'm linking up to The Gypsy Mama with others who have particpated. 
Have a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


my post linked after yours - much to my delight!

my older sister's name is molly anne! i've never met another! i love it!

i've never even done 5-minute friday before!

and i love the person i would meet if i walked into the church house! you seem so kind, cute and spunky living in molliworld (actually...that's not really unlike my older sister, either...i'm sure you're nicer to your constituents than she, though. :)

so glad to make your acquaintance, mollianne! you are a treasure!
